

This campaign can only succeed if many of us pitch in with donations and support, large and small. Every contribution matters!
All donations over 10$ are tax deductible as Chippewas of the Thames First Nation has charitable status.

Online Payment (credit card & debit):

For online donations visit our gofundme fundraising page.

For minimizing fees on your donation (and maximize the amount COTTFN receives) we encourage the following methods:

Bank Transfer:

Directly transfer to the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation BMO account: Acct. 2915 1998348 001

Mail Cheque or Money Order to:

Chippewas of the Thames First Nation
320 Chippewa Road
Muncey, Ontario
N0L 1Y0

You can make a personal donation to the COTTFN legal fund. This is a direct, simple way to help the campaign. Your contribution will make the most impact if sent as a bank transfer or a cheque sent directly to the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation.
All donations over 10$ are tax deductible as Chippewas of the Thames First Nation has charitable status.

Make it social!

Get your friends together to support the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation. For tips and ideas check our support page

If you have any questions or concerns, get in touch! We’re happy to help.

In the event of surplus funds (help us get there!), donations will help to fund COTTFN’s Duty to Consult protocol establishment, which will engage government and corporate entities in following proper protocol.

Thank you for your support!

The Chippewas of the Thames First Nations and Chippewas Solidarity want to acknowledge all the contributions of all those who have supported the campaign either financially and/or with their time and skills.

We thank the following individual and groups:

(click for a near complete list)